“For many years I have suffered with lack of or disturbed sleep, it was often due to noise, light or worries I had on my mind. I would struggle to drift off, it could take me hours and when I finally fell asleep I would often wake after a few hours and go through the same struggle again. On average I would sleep for 4-5 hours, this lead to me feeling consistently tired and having no energy. I tried all sorts of remedies from reading books, natural and prescribed tablets but nothing worked. Then I heard of Curative Hypnotherapy, at first I was very sceptical but after the process was explained to me I gave it a go. In total I have had four sessions and from following techniques I was encouraged to do on a daily basis, my sleeping has greatly improved. I go to bed rested, fall asleep within minutes and wake up energised after a good 7-8 hours sleep. All I can say is that it has changed my life completely.” - Sue Strudley.
Sue Strudley
“For many years I have suffered with lack of or disturbed sleep…this lead to me feeling consistently tired…(now)I fall asleep within minutes and wake up energised after a good 7-8 hours sleep ”-Sue Strudley
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